About Us
The firm takes care of employing leading and professional lawyers in their field who have many years of experience.
The law firm of Moshiko Malka & Co. was established to provide all its clients with a personal, professional, comprehensive, and optimal service. The best and most comprehensive, while striving for legal and business excellence. The guiding principle of the firm is in providing a comprehensive and complete service to its clients while providing an extensive and professional range of services, all to bring the client the best result.
The firm takes care of employing leading and professional lawyers in their field who have many years of experience in various areas of law, including real estate law, commercial law in all its forms, and family law.
Over the years, the firm has accumulated successes and victories both in complex cases handled by us in the various courts and in representing our clients in transactions of significant economic scope. We believe that an attorney who provides legal representation in agreements of all kinds must have extensive legal knowledge based on the practice and jurisprudence and therefore, the firm's lawyers deal extensively with representation in courts in various fields and various courts.
Knowledge is power - and we take care to express it in practice and professionalism in every case that is handled in the office. Thanks to many years of experience in diverse real estate transactions and the business and practical understanding of the needs and complexities that every transaction brings, our firm also specializes in a variety of professional malpractice lawsuits by lawyers and ensures the interests of clients harmed by unprofessional and even negligent representation.
We take care of our customers overseas
Our firm works in partnership with the law firm EPGD Business Law which operates in Florida and Washington DC and provides a variety of legal services to our clients overseas.